Old photos of people: 1931takenbyAnneMidgleysgrandfather-in-law.jpg Poor local children. Photo taken by Anne Midgley's father-in-law, 1931
Old photos of people: GuideSaidTanius1931takenbyAnneMidgleysgrandfather-in-law.jpg Tour Guide, Said Tanius. Photo taken by Anne Midgley's father-in-law, 1931
Old photos of people: FemmesindigenesSheikhel-GournahFevrier1959.jpg Femmes indigenes Sheikh el Gournah, Fevrier 1959.'
Old photos of people: WaterwheelsturnedbyCamel.Thebes7.2.44.jpg Water wheels turned by Camel. Thebes. 7.2.1944'